Redwall Survivor Forums

Contest Archive => Mossflower Odyssey IV: The Beasts in the Crater => Mossflower Odyssey Series => Contest Discussion => Topic started by: Airan on June 26, 2017, 11:06:57 AM

Title: Guidelines for Reviewers
Post by: Airan on June 26, 2017, 11:06:57 AM
Alright, now that the top 30 are being put up, and review threads are likely to be springing up along with them, here are a few guidelines to please take into consideration when reviewing and discussing the applications-

?   First off, please remember to keep all discussion civil. Disagreements are going to happen. Not everyone is going to like the same applications that you do, and while it's fine to post counterarguments to someone's review, try not to derail someone's thread with tasteless arguments.
?   A review thread is not intended for you to hate on the characters in each category. Please keep all reviews constructive. Find what you like and dislike about each character, the writing, etc. In the end, everyone here is trying to become a better writer, and being harshly negative can discourage many writers. It is possible to write a negative review while still being kind in tone.
?   Remember the anonymity rule. Do not tell anyone which characters are yours, especially during this phase. We want the strongest cast possible, and so everyone should vote for which character they think is the best in the category. So, don't vote for Joe from down the street just because your friend wrote him, vote for the character you truly believe should win that category.
?   With that said, you may still vote for yourself if you believe you should win that category.
?   Have fun!