Redwall Survivor Forums

Survivor: Warpath => Contest Discussion => Topic started by: Rascal on September 23, 2021, 06:42:59 PM

Title: Character Models
Post by: Rascal on September 23, 2021, 06:42:59 PM
I have no art skills but I plan to make hero forge figures for each character. Virtually only of course.

Title: Re: Character Models
Post by: Airan on September 24, 2021, 01:48:18 PM
I love this. I've seen you do these before for MO5, but as Hero Forge evolves, it just looks like you're able to get a lot more details and props now to really have the character come out. I look forward to seeing how you interpret the rest of the characters with this tool.
Title: Re: Character Models
Post by: Rascal on September 24, 2021, 07:25:34 PM
Thanks :3

There might be species I can't make them for (Hero forge has so much more added to it since then) but yeah I plan to make at least one per contestent.