Redwall Survivor Forums

Contest Archive => RedVenture 5: Mirage => Redventure Series => RedVenture 5 Discussion => Topic started by: Keane on November 04, 2009, 09:31:02 PM

Title: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 04, 2009, 09:31:02 PM
So!  Keane is off rotting in the caves, and now you get to ask questions!  :D 

No rules, this time.  But you should know right off that I don't take kindly to questions such as, "What is your normal ROC username?" 

Otherwise, have at it! 
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: saffy on November 04, 2009, 09:34:05 PM
1. Do you... Like to draw?  ;D
2. Do you have a deviantart account?
3. Are you a legal adult?
4. have you every tried crack in your life ?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What character from previous ROC survivors would be the perfect soulmate to Keane?  :D
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Sparrowhawk on November 05, 2009, 02:07:58 AM
Terrouger, or no?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Revel on November 05, 2009, 02:43:34 AM
Where did you get your coat?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 05, 2009, 07:36:34 AM

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Depends on geography!
4. I have not
5. Black (though, that's not technically a color, is it?)
6.  Ooh, interesting question.  I don't know about soulmate, but I think he and Kima from MM would get on pretty well.


I am!


I kind of.  I kind of took it.  From the, er, previous dealer. 
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Jarrtail on November 05, 2009, 08:12:03 AM
If we have a theory about your identity, should we PM you, or post it here?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Revel on November 05, 2009, 08:54:55 AM
Are you the Dread Dealer Roberts?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Fern Greenwood on November 05, 2009, 08:55:05 AM
1.) Do you have a weakness for squirrels in green tunics?

2.) Do you remember The Green Fuzzle?

3.) Do you fear the Swedish Meatballs?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 05, 2009, 09:37:51 AM

For the purposes of sneakiness, PM, please!




I'm not supposed to TELL!  But... as you wish. 


1. I have a weakness for squirrels.
2. Yesss
3. Fear is for the WEAK!  (I actually don't know.  :P  I never got involved with any of the Swedish Meatballs threads.)
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Cairn Destop on November 05, 2009, 01:11:05 PM
Name any other survivor contest where you were a member of the cast.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Eliza Lacrimosa on November 05, 2009, 03:54:07 PM
1. What is your name, quest, and the capital of Assyria?

2. More seriously, what was your inspiration for Keane?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Jarrtail on November 05, 2009, 04:54:49 PM
Quote from: Eliza Lacrimosa on November 05, 2009, 03:54:07 PM
1. What is your name, quest, and the capital of Assyria?

Ya gotta love Monty Python references...
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 05, 2009, 08:04:18 PM

You assume that I've been in others.  XD


1. a) Sir Keane of Southsward!  b) To seek the Holy Grail! c) I DON'T KNOW THAT

2. You know, I can't actually remember.  :P  I'm pretty sure I was just throwing out random ideas and came up with "Catnip dealer!"  And I liked that, so I ran with it.  I was also determined to write a character who was both "nice" and yet interesting and complex, as I find writing such characters to be challenging.  I originally made him much older, though, at least in his fifties (if you'll allow me to measure age in human years.)  He was a great deal less, er, conflicted.  XD  While I still prefer the older version, I couldn't get the app to work at all so I ended up running with a much younger Keane. 
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Cairn Destop on November 05, 2009, 10:59:13 PM
Quote from: Keane on November 05, 2009, 08:04:18 PM

You assume that I've been in others.  XD

Which answered my question.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Damask the Minstrel on November 06, 2009, 10:01:26 AM
How about: Terrouge staffer?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 06, 2009, 10:57:39 AM

Yes, I am.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Stonewall on November 06, 2009, 11:00:57 AM
If, hypothetically, I were to write you a letter offering to introduce you to my moderately attractive niece, but you have to travel to a creepy old castle in order to do so, how would you respond?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Bellona Littlebrush on November 06, 2009, 12:01:45 PM
1. Is the glass half empty or half full?

2. Were you in the boat when the boat tipped over?

3. If two 'louse' are some 'lice' and two 'mouse' are some 'mice', then why aren't two 'house' some 'hice'?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 06, 2009, 01:40:38 PM

I'd ask if there was a moderately attractive nephew!  :P  (Although, the creepy old castle might be bait enough in itself, particularly if it's built in the gothic style.)


1. Darned if I know.  :P  But we'll go with half-empty, just for kicks.
2. 'Course not, I was in the water. 
3. o.o  I do not know.  But until/unless I find out, I'm going to be very, very tempted to refer to houses as hice.  (Just when everyone thought they were hearing the end of "walri", too!  *cackles*)
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Erethas on November 08, 2009, 12:40:21 AM
1. Are you a VIer?
2. If so, will you give us your VI name so I can stalk you to the end of time ;D?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 10, 2009, 04:18:40 PM
Erp!  I totally forgot to answer.  >.> 

1. Yes indeedy I am
2. I shan't!  But feel free to guess and stalk me when you figure it out.  :P
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Sparrowhawk on November 10, 2009, 07:45:33 PM
Do you play/have you ever played a wildcat character on the VI? :o
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 10, 2009, 09:10:21 PM
I do not believe so!
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Erethas on November 10, 2009, 10:05:37 PM
I think I know who you are on VI *cackles*.

Or not . . . if so . . .  arg.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Sparrowhawk on November 12, 2009, 12:17:54 PM
Are you currently a captain?

I am determined to nail this one down somehow, despite not having been active on the VI in forever. :p
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 12, 2009, 01:59:01 PM
Nope, not a captain, (and here, I'll help you out!  :D) nor have I ever been one.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Erethas on November 12, 2009, 05:13:36 PM
Arg, I got the wrong person then. I had asked Captain Zil if he was you. Blinky brought this thread up on Blackship OOC, and said he had a suspicion.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Dozystoat on November 12, 2009, 06:47:11 PM
Aye - a very suspicious suspicion, t'boot!

During QBV, I kept poking Anithias and Jeshal 'cos I was sure one of them had to have been Izlude.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 12, 2009, 06:53:31 PM
A suspicion so suspicious that it is in fact right!

So, I'm thinking I'll reveal after I get two more correct guesses.  Keep trying, darlings!  :P
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Bellona Littlebrush on November 12, 2009, 07:35:07 PM
1. How can somebeast be ship-shape when ships are shaped all different ways?

2. What would you do for a Klondike bar?

3. Could you properly fill in the blanks of the following sentence with these words: metal, meddle, medal, and mettle?

If you would _________ in the affairs of blacksmiths, getting involved with every ________-worker you see, then you must surely test your _________ against finer craftsmen who have won ________.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Damask the Minstrel on November 12, 2009, 07:38:11 PM
*in Thelonious-voice* Three! Pick three me lord!
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Bellona Littlebrush on November 12, 2009, 07:39:33 PM
Hush, you! *changes around the question* Aha! Try to give him hints now, Sir Robin.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Erethas on November 12, 2009, 07:46:23 PM
Ooh ooh ooh, I believe I can do it. Mwah.

Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 12, 2009, 08:59:41 PM
1. With great talent as a contortionist.  *sage nod*

2. I'd run ten miles and bathe in sherbet!

3.  Mahaha. 

QuoteIf you would meddle in the affairs of blacksmiths, getting involved with every metal-worker you see, then you must surely test your mettle against finer craftsmen who have won medals.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Opal on November 12, 2009, 09:04:50 PM
Quote from: Dozystoat on November 12, 2009, 06:47:11 PM
During QBV, I kept poking Anithias and Jeshal 'cos I was sure one of them had to have been Izlude.

Man, Anithias is a popular choice. Someone thought Anithias was me in Midnight Mossflower. :P
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: saffy on November 12, 2009, 09:28:03 PM
Is VI still active? I was thinking of (re) joining it.

Are you under 18?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Damask the Minstrel on November 12, 2009, 09:33:12 PM
It's not completely dead. Think of... like in Princess Bride.

"There's mostly dead, then there's all dead."

So we need a few Miracle Maxes to come and help out.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Dozystoat on November 12, 2009, 09:36:45 PM
The VI is always active! ... ish.  Or as I like to put it, "It's not dying, it's living!" Since, y'know, both things involve spiralling into an inevitable obscurity.

I think it's actually just starting to get out of a slow summer. People once again settling into the school rhythm have remembered how to find time to post.

I went after Jeshal first - my brain kept going Callix = Izlude! Anithias was my second choice. Not to say the VI doesn't have a slew of awesome writers, but I just couldn't think of anyone else I knew there that wrote as well as Izlude did. There's a vast difference between RPing and writing a cohesive story and, well, Jeshal and Anithias RP by writing cohesive stories. XD

Keanekeanekeanekeanekeane. You silly druggy kitty, how terribly ironic you are who you are! yousupplieryou
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Opal on November 12, 2009, 09:39:33 PM
You should rejoin!! We're working on getting it more active, but we always need more people. And the Fogies are pretty much the only active faction at the moment. XD


- What is love? (Kitty don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more.)
- What is your opinion on rubber duckies?
- Spork?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Erethas on November 12, 2009, 09:43:28 PM
When I first joined it was pretty active, but it's not as much now. Some of the older players have gone inactive. At the same time I've noticed an influx of new characters - Blackship had 23 beasts two weeks ago, now it has 29. I hope they stay for a long time.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Damask the Minstrel on November 12, 2009, 09:44:12 PM
Tara: What does love have to do with it? ^.-
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Opal on November 12, 2009, 09:51:26 PM
I don't know, but I think it's a second-hand emotion. Whatever that means. :P
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 12, 2009, 10:22:10 PM

No, I'm not.


1. A long bath with music playing.   ;D

2. I'm very bitter about rubber duckies.  I had one when I was five, but it got moldy inside and we had to throw it away, and no one ever said, "HEY, WE SHOULD BUY KEANE ANOTHER RUBBER DUCKY!"  It's very sad.

3. I have a theory.  Grapefruit spoons are the real spawn of forks and spoons. 

Sporks are vampire grapefruit spoons.  o.o
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Opal on November 12, 2009, 10:30:49 PM
But are they glittery vampire grapefruit spoons, that's the real question! ;D
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Sycamore on November 13, 2009, 12:04:22 AM
Do you remember Flintback?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 13, 2009, 01:42:44 AM
Tara:  Perish the thought!

Sycamore:  Indeed, I do.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Sycamore on November 13, 2009, 06:30:15 AM
Hahaha, really?? Because I only played him for like, a few months.

Ooh! Ooh! What's your fondest memory of him? Fondest!!!
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 13, 2009, 08:50:09 AM
...Er, pardon, I misunderstood.   :-[  I thought you might be referring to the username or Sandrose's last name (STUPID, I KNOW)  Sorries!   
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Sycamore on November 13, 2009, 10:27:51 AM
Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute.

I was talking about Vesania D.! My little weasel chap wot got his right eye all Rath-like and a head injury that turned him into a kit!

If you know of the username and Sandrose (wasn't her surname, as she didn't have one). . . Then you must have been on the Thwhack boards back when O:S! was going on.

. . .

Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Stonewall on November 13, 2009, 07:09:32 PM
Quote from: Dozystoat on November 12, 2009, 09:36:45 PM
The VI is always active! ... ish.  Or as I like to put it, "It's not dying, it's living!" Since, y'know, both things involve spiralling into an inevitable obscurity.

I think it's actually just starting to get out of a slow summer. People once again settling into the school rhythm have remembered how to find time to post.

I've considered going back to the VI, but only after I give the Gravedigger something resembling a personality, other than just "brooding." Great at first,  boring in the long run.

Say, Keane, ever run across a bandage-faced ferret with a shovel in the VI?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Erethas on November 13, 2009, 08:27:30 PM
Are you still on VI, Sycamore?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 14, 2009, 06:09:17 PM
Sycamore:  Not Lilac, I'm afraid.  I did indeed have a Thwhack account during O:S, though. 

Stonewall:  Ooh, yes, I remember the Gravedigger.  I never roleplayed with you, but I read a few of the threads, and greatly enjoyed both your writing and the character. 
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Erethas on November 14, 2009, 07:02:43 PM
Hmm, do who know who my character is on the VI? How been part of the VI for a long time?
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 14, 2009, 07:40:36 PM
XD If I understand you, then yes, I know who your VI character is, and... hm.  I've been on the VI... I think at least two years.  I don't remember exactly when I joined, but it's been a while, yes.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 21, 2009, 11:37:24 PM
WELL, since apparently no one really cares to guess (CLEARLY it can't be that I'm just too secretive for my own good!  *flounce*) I'll just be smashingly nice and tell you. 

I'm Saarh. 

That is all.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Jarrtail on November 22, 2009, 01:21:29 PM
Saarh? Really? Definently never would've guessed that.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Stonewall on November 22, 2009, 01:24:11 PM
Quote from: Keane on November 21, 2009, 11:37:24 PM
WELL, since apparently no one really cares to guess (CLEARLY it can't be that I'm just too secretive for my own good!  *flounce*) I'll just be smashingly nice and tell you. 

I'm Saarh. 

That is all.

Hey, my first question was as good a guess as they come.  And I was right, so nyah.  ;)
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 22, 2009, 01:39:49 PM
*laughs*  True, true.  Well done.  :P 

And yes!  It's been me all along, but in kitty form, wearing a spectacular coat.  (...I have to wonder, though, why would you never have guessed?  Was I horrid?  ;_; )
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Erethas on November 22, 2009, 04:20:11 PM
Saarh? I had guessed you were Hawx and Zil at some point, heheh.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Bellona Littlebrush on November 22, 2009, 05:34:08 PM
I knew it all along!
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Balmafula on November 23, 2009, 01:37:13 AM



What are you doing not being a ferret?  XD And here I thought you were Rath all along!
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Jarrtail on November 23, 2009, 07:58:32 AM
Rath certainly seems a more likely candidate.
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Keane on November 23, 2009, 11:14:12 PM
Yes!  It is I.  And... I have no excuse for not being a ferret.  o.o  Except, of course, to confuse everyone! 

Rath is awesomeness.  And definitely not me.  XD
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Sycamore on November 24, 2009, 10:05:40 AM
Ugh. Really? I come back and you've already revealed? I was the closest! If only you would have held out a little longer!

My next question would have been since you were on the Thwhack boards but not Lilac, and since I don't remember any other audience member, if you were in the contest. But it's too late! Too bad, so sad... T_T

But hey! Congrats! I haven't mentioned this in my comment thread, but now seems a good time as any. I noticed while rereading a little place called Holt Dantor.

Is this your doing??

Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Kenner on January 12, 2010, 04:18:03 PM
Holt Dantor!?  WHERE?!  I want to read that post!
Title: Re: Take off your disguise!
Post by: Cricket Argyll on January 12, 2010, 05:25:11 PM
It's here, Kaj - Interlude: The Broad Stream (

And Holt Dantor was my doing, actually, Syc. Arendell needed a family!