A quick announcement

Started by Kali, October 03, 2017, 03:28:21 PM

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Lights filled the stage. Kali is quickly scooted out into view of the audiance. "Guys! Why do I have to make the announcements! I know I promised... And Im a bard.... But I get stage fright and..." A hand full of cue cards were slapped into her chest. She sighed. "Fiiiine."

Kali coughs into her wingtip. "Ahem, so. Hello all! Im here to just read a quick announcment from the cast. We would like to thank our readers for their continued support and checking in week after week, even though we have had some delays. Which we experienced again because stuff happened offline to several people and there was even a moose invovled and..."

Kali looked to one side of the stage, "W-what? Yes, yes. Ill stick with the cue cards...ahem."

"We appologize for the delay. We have some awesome stuff planned for yall. More posts are coming and more announcements are coming as well."

"And now, in an effort to appologize for the delay, I shall now sing for the audiances plea-"

And then the curtain fell on her.

Kali's player here with an attempt to soften yet another announcement. We appologize about being delayed by offline events once again and that will be posting into the voting period. This is not an extension, but there are more posts on the way.

Once again thank you all for your patience and continued support of the story. You as the audiance have the most important part even if you are just following the story with out voting. At the end of the day we are all storytellers and want to make sure we can make the most enjoyable story possible for you all to read.

Please direct any questions you might have to Zevka.

Thank you and see you soon.

Aldridge Moor

Crue Sarish

Thanks for the update! Will keep an eye out for the rest of the posts.