Let the games begin!

Started by Rascal, February 29, 2020, 09:50:04 PM

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Like a roaring tempest, the race for the top thirty has come and gone. The top ten has been chosen, the players are set, the story is about to start!

But what if you are NOT in the top ten?

Not getting into the top ten can feel like taking a cruise and arriving a minute late to board the ship. It can be a bit of a downer and leave you wondering, "What do I do now?"

Don't fret! You still have the most important part of all to play!

As the Audience!

The contest won't work without readers to enjoy the story that is about to unfold! And there is still plenty of reviewing, discussing, art-making, revenge plotting, etc etc to be had!

So don't turn that dial yet lads and lass's, with your help there is still much fun to be had :>
