11:11 Special Chat!

Started by Ashira, November 11, 2009, 09:02:32 PM

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Cross-posted from the RFF with Wing's permission.


The Topic Title and Desc says it all.

Barring unforeseen technical or situational circumstance, I plan on hanging in the RFF Chat tonight, and I was wondering if we might be able to scare up a crowd to celebrate That Magic Time on this one day each year when the date matches it. So, if any of you are around and up for it, swing on by at 11:11 Eastern, and you should find me there! And who knows? Maybe it'll even be a swinging party!

BTW, the RFF Chat is here:


Just replace "#EntryPoint" with "#rff" as the Channel, and type in whatever handle you want to appear by under the Nickname. The rest is cybermagic!

Wing, on the eleventh day at the eleventh hour